Source code for qoqo_qiskit.backend.queued_results

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"""Queued Jobs."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from qiskit.providers import Job, JobStatus
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService
from qoqo import measurements  # type:ignore

from ..models import Registers, RegistersWithLengths
from .post_processing import _transform_job_result
from .utils import is_valid_uuid4

[docs] class QueuedCircuitRun: """Queued Result of the circuit."""
[docs] def __init__( self, job: Job, memory: bool, sim_type: str, registers_info: Tuple[ Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]], ], res_index: Optional[int] = 0, ) -> None: """Initialise the QueuedCircuitRun class. Args: job (Job): The job that is run. memory (bool): True if the result is meant to be read via `job.get_memory()` instead of `job.get_counts()`. sim_type (str): The simulation type. This can be "automatic", "statevector" or "density_matrix". registers_info (Tuple[Any]): The initially setup registers. res_index (Optional[int]): The index of the ExperimentalResult in Result.results. Defaults to 0. It can be relevant in case the circuit has been run as part of a list. """ self._job: Job = job self._memory: bool = memory self._sim_type: str = sim_type self._registers_info: Tuple[ Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]], ] = registers_info self._qoqo_result: Optional[ Tuple[ Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]], ] ] = None self._res_index: Optional[int] = res_index
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Convert self to a JSON string. Returns: str: self as a JSON string. """ json_dict = { "job_id": self._job.job_id(), "memory": self._memory, "sim_type": self._sim_type, "registers_info": self._registers_info, "qoqo_result": self._qoqo_result, "res_index": self._res_index, } return json.dumps(json_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(string: str) -> QueuedCircuitRun: """Convert a JSON string to an instance of QueuedCircuitRun. Args: string (str): JSON string to convert. Returns: QueuedCircuitRun: The converted instance. """ json_dict = json.loads(string) # If id is valid uuid4, then the job was locally executed via qiskit_aer.AerSimulator() if is_valid_uuid4(json_dict["job_id"]): raise ValueError( "The job was executed locally via qiskit_aer.AerSimulator(). " "Retrieval is not possible." ) else: service = QiskitRuntimeService() job = service.job(json_dict["job_id"]) instance = QueuedCircuitRun( job=job, memory=json_dict["memory"], sim_type=json_dict["sim_type"], registers_info=json_dict["registers_info"], ) if json_dict["qoqo_result"] is not None: instance._qoqo_result = json_dict["qoqo_result"] if json_dict["res_index"] is not None: instance._res_index = json_dict["res_index"] return instance
[docs] def poll_result( self, ) -> Optional[ Tuple[ Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]], ] ]: """Poll the result. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]]]: Result if the run was successful. Raises: RuntimeError: The job failed or was cancelled. """ if self._qoqo_result is not None: return self._qoqo_result if self._job.in_final_state(): status = self._job.status() if status == JobStatus.DONE: result = self._job.result() modeled = RegistersWithLengths( Registers( bit_register_dict=self._registers_info[3], float_register_dict=self._registers_info[4], complex_register_dict=self._registers_info[5], ), bit_regs_lengths=self._registers_info[0], float_regs_lengths=self._registers_info[1], complex_regs_lengths=self._registers_info[2], ) self._qoqo_result = _transform_job_result( self._memory, self._sim_type, result, modeled, None, self._res_index ) return self._qoqo_result elif status == JobStatus.ERROR: raise RuntimeError("The job failed.") else: raise RuntimeError("The job was cancelled.") else: return None
[docs] class QueuedProgramRun: """Queued Result of the measurement."""
[docs] def __init__(self, measurement: Any, queued_circuits: List[QueuedCircuitRun]) -> None: """Initialise the QueuedProgramRun class. Args: measurement (qoqo.measurements): The qoqo Measurement to run. queued_circuits (List[QueuedCircuitRun]): The list of associated queued circuits. Raises: TypeError: The measurement type is unknown. """ if ( isinstance(measurement, measurements.PauliZProduct) or isinstance(measurement, measurements.CheatedPauliZProduct) or isinstance(measurement, measurements.Cheated) or isinstance(measurement, measurements.ClassicalRegister) ): self._measurement = measurement else: raise TypeError("Unknown measurement type.") self._queued_circuits: List[QueuedCircuitRun] = queued_circuits self._registers: Tuple[ Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]], ] = ({}, {}, {}) for circuit in self._queued_circuits: if circuit._qoqo_result is not None: for key, value_bools in circuit._qoqo_result[0].items(): if key in self._registers[0]: self._registers[0][key].extend(value_bools) else: self._registers[0][key] = value_bools for key, value_floats in circuit._qoqo_result[1].items(): if key in self._registers[1]: self._registers[1][key].extend(value_floats) else: self._registers[1][key] = value_floats for key, value_complexes in circuit._qoqo_result[2].items(): if key in self._registers[2]: self._registers[2][key].extend(value_complexes) else: self._registers[2][key] = value_complexes
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Convert self to a JSON string. Returns: str: self as a JSON string. Raises: TypeError: The measurement type is unknown. """ queued_circuits_serialised: List[str] = [] for circuit in self._queued_circuits: queued_circuits_serialised.append(circuit.to_json()) if isinstance(self._measurement, measurements.PauliZProduct): measurement_type = "PauliZProduct" elif isinstance(self._measurement, measurements.CheatedPauliZProduct): measurement_type = "CheatedPauliZProduct" elif isinstance(self._measurement, measurements.Cheated): measurement_type = "Cheated" elif isinstance(self._measurement, measurements.ClassicalRegister): measurement_type = "ClassicalRegister" else: raise TypeError("Unknown measurement type") json_dict = { "measurement_type": measurement_type, "measurement": self._measurement.to_json(), "queued_circuits": queued_circuits_serialised, "registers": self._registers, } return json.dumps(json_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json(string: str) -> QueuedProgramRun: """Convert a JSON string to an instance of QueuedProgramRun. Args: string (str): JSON string to convert. Raises: TypeError: The measurement type is unknown. Returns: QueuedProgramRun: The converted instance. """ json_dict = json.loads(string) queued_circuits_deserialised: List[QueuedCircuitRun] = [] registers: Tuple[ Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]], ] = ({}, {}, {}) for circuit in json_dict["queued_circuits"]: circ_instance = QueuedCircuitRun.from_json(circuit) queued_circuits_deserialised.append(circ_instance) if circ_instance._qoqo_result is not None: for key, value_bools in circ_instance._qoqo_result[0].items(): if key in registers[0]: registers[0][key].extend(value_bools) else: registers[0][key] = value_bools for key, value_floats in circ_instance._qoqo_result[1].items(): if key in registers[1]: registers[1][key].extend(value_floats) else: registers[1][key] = value_floats for key, value_complexes in circ_instance._qoqo_result[2].items(): if key in registers[2]: registers[2][key].extend(value_complexes) else: registers[2][key] = value_complexes if json_dict["measurement_type"] == "PauliZProduct": measurement = measurements.PauliZProduct.from_json(json_dict["measurement"]) elif json_dict["measurement_type"] == "CheatedPauliZProduct": measurement = measurements.CheatedPauliZProduct.from_json(json_dict["measurement"]) elif json_dict["measurement_type"] == "Cheated": measurement = measurements.Cheated.from_json(json_dict["measurement"]) elif json_dict["measurement_type"] == "ClassicalRegister": measurement = measurements.ClassicalRegister.from_json(json_dict["measurement"]) else: raise TypeError("Unknown measurement type") instance = QueuedProgramRun(measurement, queued_circuits_deserialised) instance._registers = registers return instance
[docs] def poll_result( self, ) -> Optional[ Union[ Tuple[ Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]], ] ] ]: """Poll the result. Returns: Union[Tuple[Dict[str, List[List[bool]]], Dict[str, List[List[float]]], Dict[str, List[List[complex]]]]]: Result if all runs were successful. Raises: RuntimeError: The jobs failed or were cancelled. """ all_finished = [False] * len(self._queued_circuits) for i, queued_circuit in enumerate(self._queued_circuits): res = queued_circuit.poll_result() if res is not None: for key, value_bools in res[0].items(): if key in self._registers[0]: self._registers[0][key].extend(value_bools) else: self._registers[0][key] = value_bools for key, value_floats in res[1].items(): if key in self._registers[1]: self._registers[1][key].extend(value_floats) else: self._registers[1][key] = value_floats for key, value_complexes in res[2].items(): if key in self._registers[2]: self._registers[2][key].extend(value_complexes) else: self._registers[2][key] = value_complexes all_finished[i] = True if not all(all_finished): return None else: if isinstance(self._measurement, measurements.ClassicalRegister): return self._registers else: return self._measurement.evaluate( self._registers[0], self._registers[1], self._registers[2] )