
To obtain results from running a quantum circuit, the quantum computer needs to return classical information. qoqo/roqoqo uses register-based readouts where all classical information is returned from the quantum circuit using classical registers declared at the start of the circuit. Classical registers can contain three types of classical data:

  • Bit (or bool)
  • Float (f64/double)
  • Complex.

Each register is declared in a Circuit by a Pragma operation setting the register name and a length. The Pragma operation also declares whether the register is an output or not. After being declared at the start of the circuit, information is written to the registers in the Circuit by Measurement or Pragma operations. If the register is declared as an output register, it is returned after the execution of the circuit.

A python example:

from qoqo import Circuit
from qoqo import operations as ops

circuit = Circuit()
# A bit register that is not returned
circuit += ops.DefinitionBit("bit_register", length=2, is_output=False)
# A float register that is returned
circuit += ops.DefinitionFloat("float_register", length=2, is_output=True)
# A complex register that is not returned
circuit += ops.DefinitionComplex("complex_register", length=3, is_output=False)

A Rust example:

use roqoqo::Circuit;
use roqoqo::operations;

fn main(){
let mut circuit = Circuit::new();
// A bit register of length 2 that is not returned
circuit += operations::DefinitionBit::new("bit_register".to_string(), 2, false);
// A float register of length 2 that is returned as an output of the circuit
circuit += operations::DefinitionFloat::new("float_register".to_string(), 2, true);
// A complex register of length 3 that is not returned as an output
circuit += operations::DefinitionComplex::new("complex_register".to_string(), 3, false);

Writing to registers

Information is written to registers by the MeasureQubit operation or Pragma operations in a quantum circuit.

  • On quantum computing hardware only projective measurements into a bit register are available, that is a measurement in the Z-basis yielding 0 or 1.
  • On simulators one can also read out the full state vector or density matrix into a complex register.

MeasureQubit corresponds directly to a projectivce measurement. By definition, projective measurements are available on universal quantum computers. PragmaRepeatedMeasurement is shorthand for repeatedly running the circuit and applying a projective measurement each time. While it is not necessarily available on every backend, it is compatible with hardware quantum computers.

As shown in the example below, the operation MeasureQubit can be used to provide measurement instructions for each individual qubit. The input parameter qubit specifies the qubit to be measured, whereas the parameter readout_index defines the position in the classical register readout where the measurement value of the qubit is stored. The explicit assignment of a qubit measurement to a readout register index can be used to handle qubit remapping in a quantum circuit.

When supported by the backend, PragmaRepeatedMeasurement can be used instead of MeasureQubit command to provide the measurement instruction for all qubits in qubit_mapping that needs to be repeated N times (number_measurements). For further available Pragma measurement instructions, please refer to the section Pragma operations.

Setting up readouts in Python:

from qoqo import Circuit
from qoqo import operations as ops

circuit = Circuit()
# Add a Bit register to the circuit for the qubit readout
circuit += ops.DefinitionBit("bit_register", 2, is_output = True)
# Add measurement instructions for each qubit, when using hardware
circuit += ops.MeasureQubit(qubit=0, readout="bit_register", readout_index=0)
circuit += ops.MeasureQubit(qubit=1, readout="bit_register", readout_index=1)

# Alternatively, define a Complex register to readout the state vector
circuit += ops.DefinitionComplex("complex_register", 3, is_output = False)
# Measure the state vector when running the circuit on a simulator
circuit += ops.PragmaGetStateVector("complex_register", None)

Setting up readouts in Rust:

fn main() {
use roqoqo::Circuit;
use roqoqo::operations;

let mut circuit = Circuit::new();
// Add a Bit register to the circuit for the qubit readout
circuit += operations::DefinitionBit::new("bit_register".to_string(), 2, true);
// Add measurement instructions for each qubit, when using hardware
circuit += operations::MeasureQubit::new(0, "bit_register".to_string(), 0);
circuit += operations::MeasureQubit::new(1, "bit_register".to_string(), 1);

// Alternatively, define a Complex register to readout the state vector
circuit += operations::DefinitionComplex::new(
    "complex_register".to_string(), 3, false,
// Measure the state vector when running the circuit on a simulator
circuit += operations::PragmaGetStateVector::new(
    "complex_register".to_string(), None,