
Backends in qoqo/roqoqo are used for two things:

  • Running quantum programs and obtaining results from them
  • Translating qoqo/roqoqo objects to other frameworks

Running quantum programs

To obtain results based on a quantum program (or quantum circuit) defined in qoqo/roqoqo, the program must run on a simulator or real quantum computing hardware.

For an individual simulator or hardware, a backend can be created that implements roqoqo's EvaluatingBackend trait and executes quantum circuits. The implementation of individual backends is provided not in qoqo itself, but in other packages.

At the moment the following EvaluatingBackends are implemented for qoqo/roqoqo:

An EvaluatingBackend provides the functionality to run:

  • A single circuit. The backend will execute just the circuit and return the measurement results of all registers in a tuple (bit-registers, float-registers, complex-registers). More details on registers can be found in section readout. All the postprocessing of the bare results needs to be done manually.
  • A measurement. All circuits collected in the measurement are executed and the post-processed expectation values are returned.
  • A quantum program. A qoqo QuantumProgram also handles replacement of symbolic variables. It provides its own run() method and calls the given backend internally.

All evaluating backends provide the same methods: run_circuit(), run_measurement() or run_measurement_registers(), and run().


A QuantumProgram is created to be executed on the qoqo_quest simulator backend. Here, all three options supported by an EvaluatingBackend are presented:

  • to run a single circuit,
  • to run a measurement, and
  • to run a quantum program.

In python:

from qoqo import Circuit
from qoqo import operations as ops
from qoqo.measurements import PauliZProduct, PauliZProductInput
from qoqo import QuantumProgram
from qoqo_quest import Backend
# initialize |psi>
init_circuit = Circuit()
# Apply a RotateY gate with a symbolic angle
# To execute the circuit this symbolic parameter must replaced
# with a real number with the help of a QuantumProgram
init_circuit += ops.RotateX(0, "angle")
# Z-basis measurement circuit with 1000 shots
z_circuit = Circuit()
z_circuit += ops.DefinitionBit("ro_z", 1, is_output=True)
z_circuit += ops.PragmaRepeatedMeasurement("ro_z", 1000, None)
# X-basis measurement circuit with 1000 shots
x_circuit = Circuit()
x_circuit += ops.DefinitionBit("ro_x", 1, is_output=True)
# Changing to the X basis with a Hadamard gate
x_circuit += ops.Hadamard(0)
x_circuit += ops.PragmaRepeatedMeasurement("ro_x", 1000, None)

# Preparing the measurement input for one qubit
measurement_input = PauliZProductInput(1, False)
# Read out product of Z on site 0 for register ro_z (no basis change)
z_basis_index = measurement_input.add_pauliz_product("ro_z", [0,])
# Read out product of Z on site 0 for register ro_x
# (after basis change effectively a <X> measurement)
x_basis_index = measurement_input.add_pauliz_product("ro_x", [0,])

# Add a result (the expectation value of H) that is a combination of the PauliProduct
# expectation values
measurement_input.add_linear_exp_val("<H>", {x_basis_index: 0.1, z_basis_index: 0.2})

measurement = PauliZProduct(
   circuits=[z_circuit, x_circuit],

# Here we show three alternative options that can be ran:
# a single circuit, a measurement, and a quantum program.

# Create a backend simulating one qubit
backend = Backend(1)

# a) Run a single circuit
(bit_registers, float_registers, complex_registers) = backend.run_circuit(z_circuit)

# b) To run a measurement we need to replace the free parameter by hand
executable_measurement = measurement.substitute_parameters({"angle": 0.2})
expectation_values = backend.run_measurement(executable_measurement)

# c) Run a quantum program
# The QuantumProgram now has one free parameter that must be set when executing it.
# The symbolic value "angle" in the circuits will be replaced by that free parameter
# during execution.
program = QuantumProgram(measurement=measurement, input_parameter_names=["angle"])
# Run the program with 0.1 substituting `angle`
expectation_values =, [0.1])

In Rust:

fn main() {
use std::collections::HashMap;

use roqoqo::Circuit;
use roqoqo::operations as ops;
use roqoqo::measurements::{PauliZProduct, PauliZProductInput};
use roqoqo::QuantumProgram;
use roqoqo::prelude::EvaluatingBackend;
use roqoqo::prelude::Measure;
use roqoqo_quest::Backend;

// initialize |psi>
let mut init_circuit = Circuit::new();
// Apply a RotateY gate with a symbolic angle
// To execute the circuit this symbolic parameter needs to be replaced
// with a real number with the help of a QuantumProgram
init_circuit += ops::RotateX::new(0, "angle".into());
// Z-basis measurement circuit with 1000 shots
let mut z_circuit = Circuit::new();
z_circuit += ops::DefinitionBit::new("ro_z".to_string(), 1, true);
z_circuit += ops::PragmaRepeatedMeasurement::new("ro_z".to_string(), 1000, None);
// X-basis measurement circuit with 1000 shots
let mut x_circuit = Circuit::new();
x_circuit += ops::DefinitionBit::new("ro_x".to_string(), 1, true);
// Changing to the X basis with a Hadamard gate
x_circuit += ops::Hadamard::new(0);
x_circuit += ops::PragmaRepeatedMeasurement::new("ro_x".to_string(), 1000, None);

// Preparing the measurement input for one qubit
let mut measurement_input = PauliZProductInput::new(1, false);
// Read out product of Z on site 0 for register ro_z (no basis change)
let z_basis_index = measurement_input.add_pauliz_product("ro_z".to_string(), vec![0,]).unwrap();
// Read out product of Z on site 0 for register ro_x
// (after basis change effectively a <X> measurement)
let x_basis_index = measurement_input.add_pauliz_product("ro_x".to_string(), vec![0,]).unwrap();

//Add a result (the expectation value of H) that is a combination of the PauliProduct
// expectation values
let mut linear: HashMap<usize, f64> = HashMap::new();
linear.insert(x_basis_index, 0.1);
linear.insert(z_basis_index, 0.2);
measurement_input.add_linear_exp_val("<H>".to_string(), linear).unwrap();

let measurement = PauliZProduct{
   constant_circuit: Some(init_circuit),
   circuits: vec![z_circuit.clone(), x_circuit],
   input: measurement_input,

// Here we show three alternative options that can be ran:
// a single circuit, a measurement, and a quantum program.

// Create a backend simulating one qubit
let backend = Backend::new(1);

// a) Run a single circuit
let (_bit_registers, _float_registers, _complex_registers) = backend.run_circuit(&z_circuit).unwrap();

// b) To run a measurement we need to replace the free parameter by hand
let executable_measurement = measurement.substitute_parameters(HashMap::from([("angle".to_string(), 0.2)])).unwrap();
let expectation_values = backend.run_measurement(&executable_measurement).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", expectation_values);

// c) Run a quantum program
// The QuantumProgram now has one free parameter that must be set when executing it.
// The symbolic value "angle" in the circuits will be replaced by that free parameter
// during execution.
let program = QuantumProgram::PauliZProduct{ measurement, input_parameter_names: vec!["angle".to_string()]};
// Run the program with 0.1 substituting `angle`
let expectation_values =, &[0.1]).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", expectation_values);

Translating to other quantum computing frameworks

There are many open- and closed-source quantum frameworks. For some use cases, it may be advantageous to interface between qoqo and another quantum computing framework. Depending on the target framework, circuits containing an available subset of qoqo operations can be translated to other frameworks by backends. Backends that translate qoqo/roqoqo objects (for example Circuits) to other frameworks or representations do not implement the EvaluatingBackend.

At the moment, we have implemented one translating backend, from qoqo/roqoqo Circuits to qasm: qoqo_qasm.