Quantum circuit

A quantum circuit refers to a linear sequence of operations that can be executed on a quantum computer. Like most quantum computing toolkits, qoqo/roqoqo provides a Circuit object and a set of Operations that can be added to a Circuit.

qoqo/roqoqo distinguishes between:

  • Definitions: Operations that declare (and initialize) classical register values (see also here)
  • Gate Operations: Unitary operations that can be executed on every unitary quantum computer (but might need to be decomposed into a sequence of native operations) (see also here)
  • Pragma operations that provide additional functionality to a quantum program, and are not generally available on all universal quantum computers (see pragma operations and noise operations )

In order to create a useful result, a Circuit in qoqo/roqoqo must contain:

  • A definition of a classical register for readout
  • Operations to change the state of the quantum computer, for example RotateZ or CNOT gate operations.
  • A measurement to return classical information based on the state of the quantum computer.

With qoqo, a Circuit can be constructed like this:

from qoqo import Circuit
from qoqo import operations as ops
# create a new circuit
circuit = Circuit()
# Define the readout for two qubits 
circuit += ops.DefinitionBit(name="ro", length=2, is_output=True)
# Rotation around Z axis by pi/2 on qubit 0
circuit += ops.RotateZ(qubit=0, theta=1.57)
# Entangling qubits 0 and 1 with CNOT gate
circuit += ops.CNOT(control=0, target=1)
# Measuring the qubits
circuit += ops.MeasureQubit(qubit=0, readout="ro", readout_index=0)
circuit += ops.MeasureQubit(qubit=1, readout="ro", readout_index=1)

And with roqoqo, like this:

fn main() {
use roqoqo::{Circuit, operations::*};

// Create a new _modifiable_ circuit
let mut circuit = Circuit::new();
// Define the readout for two qubits 
circuit += DefinitionBit::new("ro".to_string(), 2, true);
// Apply rotation around Z axis by pi/2 on qubit 0
circuit += RotateZ::new(0, 1.57.into());
// Establish entanglement between qubits 0 and 1
circuit += CNOT::new(0, 1);
// Measuring the qubits
circuit += MeasureQubit::new(0, "ro".to_string(), 0);
circuit += MeasureQubit::new(1, "ro".to_string(), 1);

For details on the available methods of a Circuit please refer to the API documentation of roqoqo and qoqo.