
This section gives a quick overview of some of the conventions used in qoqo/roqoqo.


  • operation: An atomic instruction applied to a quantum computer (or simulated quantum computer).
  • gate: An operation that corresponds to a unitary transformation of the state of the quantum computer and can be implemented on all universal quantum computers.
  • qubit: A quantum bit. Can be in a superposition of two basis states.
  • Circuit: A linear sequence of operations.

Qubit states

For the two basis states of a single qubit we define

\[ \left| 0 \right> = \left|\textrm{false} \right> = \left| \uparrow \right> = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \\ \].

\[ \left |1 \right> = \left|\textrm{true} \right> = \left| \downarrow \right> = \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} \\ \].

Before any operations are applied in a circuit a quantum computer is always assumed to be in the zero state (all qubits in state |0>).


This convention implies that |0> is the excited state with respect to the Z Pauli operator and |1> is the ground state. This is in contract with the physical implementation of qubits, where |0> typically corresponds to the state with lower energy and damping will lead to the system relaxing from |1> to |0>.

This means that in this convention, when identifying the qubits with spins with respect to the Z operator, the system starts out in the highest energy case and damping leads to a heating effect where the system population shifts to higher energy spin states.


qoqo and roqoqo use little-endian encoding, where the least significant qubit is at the smallest memory address (or at the lowest index in a vector and at the rightmost entry when writing the qubit state as a sequence of 0 and 1 like a binary number).

For a two-qubit state space we write the states of the qubits in the following order: \[ \left|00 \right> = \textrm{state} 0 \\ \left|01 \right> = \textrm{state} 1 \\ \left|10 \right> = \textrm{state} 2 \\ \left|11 \right> = \textrm{state} 3 \\ \].

Operation order

When adding qoqo/roqoqo operations to circuits, the first operation added will be executed first. When writing qoqo/roqoqo operations, they are read left to right. This leads to an inversion of the order when transcribing to matrix form, where the matrix to the right acts first.

\[ \textrm{PauliX}(0) \cdot \textrm{PauliZ}(0) \\ = \textrm{PauliZ(0).unitary_matrix()} \cdot \textrm{PauliX(0).unitary_matrix()} \\ = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} \].

Qubit naming

qoqo uses a unified naming scheme for qubits in operations

  • In single-qubit operations, the qubit is always referred to as qubit,
  • In two-qubit gates, the two qubits are referred to as control and target,
  • In multi-qubit gates, the ordered list/vector of qubits the gates acts on is referred to as qubits.

When initializing two-qubit gates, the control is always the first argumemt and target the second argument.

Unitary Matrix

Unitary operations in qoqo/roqoqo provide a unitary_matrix() method that returns the definition of the gate in matrix form. This definition ignores the qubits of the gate to fit in the smallest possible matrix dimension.

  • For single-qubit gates, the created matrix always corresponds to qubit=0 and has a 2x2-dimension.
  • For two-qubit gates, the created matrix always corresponds to control=1, target=0 and is a 4x4-dimensional matrix. This convention corresponds to the little-endian encoding described above.
  • For multi-qubit gates, the created matrix always corresponds to qubits=[0..N] where N is the number of qubits in the qubit vector of the multi-qubit gate.