

qoqo is available on PyPi, both as a pre-built Python wheel for common architectures (windows/linux/macos on x86) and as a source distribution.

For pre-built wheels you can install qoqo with a simple pip command

pip install qoqo

If no pre-built python wheel is available for your architecture you can install qoqo from the source distribution using a rust toolchain (for example available via rustup) and maturin (also available via pip). After installing the rust toolchain and maturing run the same pip install command as above. In some cases on macOS it can be necessary to provide specific linker arguments as shown below:

# can be necessary on macOS
RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=-undefined -C link-arg=dynamic_lookup" pip install qoqo

When using qoqo in a rust project providing a python interface add

qoqo = {version="1.0", default-features=false}

to the [dependencies] section of the project Cargo.toml.

Alternatively one can check out the latest tagged version from github and use the maturin tool to build a python package for qoqo locally and install it via pip. Please note that the package should be built from the top level directory of the workspace selecting the qoqo package with the -m qoqo/Cargo.toml option.

maturin build -m qoqo/Cargo.toml  --release
pip install target/wheels/<NAME_OF_WHEEL>

Specifically for macOS on Apple Silicon the following build command should be used:

RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=-undefined -C link-arg=dynamic_lookup" maturin build -m qoqo/Cargo.toml  --release
pip install target/wheels/$NAME_OF_WHEEL


To use roqoqo in a Rust project simply add

roqoqo = "1.4"

to the [dependencies] section in your Cargo.toml.